miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Cultural Identity

The cultural identity is that part of us that make us to create a sense of belonging for the company we work for. So in this way it is very important for the companies to highlight that part of the employees so they can feel the company as their family, and work not only for the reward of the money but also for the joy of doing it; that should be the principal result of the cultural identity of a company.
It alos important to know that among a cultural identity there's always going to be a lots of culture that interact with themsekves, and adopt the cultural identity as a part of them because it is what keeps them together as a one.

You can see this video, that shows a little bit a bout a just said. Hpe you like it!


jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Ethnography as a tool of I.B

It is necesary to highlight the importancy of the ethnography in the international busines, because it is the tool that allows us, as investigators, realize how cultures, organitations, or countries behave in certain situations allowing us to identify the needs of each one and to be able to satisfy them.
It also allows us to know how is the behavior of a culture when negotiating an agreement, which helps us to develop ourselves in a better way, always specting the best results.

Because of al this is that we can't put away this important tool, because in the long term it always is going to make our job, as negotiators, a lot easier.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

Culture = Organizational Culture??

Culture is what define us as person, as a part of the society and also what make us unique. Culture is what help us to define our own identity, and that's why people usually thinks that it's impossible that someone could have a double culture, but the reality is that they are wrong. We create our own culture with the influence of the society, but we also are influenced by another culture and that one is the organizational culture. The organizational culture describes all the attitudes and behaviors of a group of people inside an organization, taking in to account their interest and also the interest of the people outside the organization.

In this sense, we can say that a person can have an identity or a double culture because is naturally attached to its native culture, but simultaneously it can adopt another culture of an organization in order to become part of it. Finally we can assure that in the long term the two identities will merge and in the end become just one.

Is there a better culture?

At the begining of last class the teacher ask us in wich culture we would like to be born in. I think this is a very interesting question because a think in order to wish to be a part of any culture you have to know it first, and in my case I haven't know many cultures so I can't decide weather i like one or another. What I can tell, from my experience, is that when you live in another country you begin to love more your own nation because you start to miss every little thing from your country an in that way, my experience of living abroad for 3 years make me realize that a love my country, that i love al the little things that makes us uniques, there for a love my culture and I wouldn't change for anything.