jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

Expatriates and migrants

Expatriates and migrants are usually confused as the same. Basically and with no intentions of getting in to long definitions, the simplest definition of each one is:

Expatriates: is a person with at least one nationality but that lives in another country by his own will, because they want to work abroad or only to visit, but in the final they have the intention of going back to its country.

Migrants: basically its the same situation of expatriates, but with the big difference that they go to other country in order to get a better job, abetter way of life, so the big difference is that in some way they have to go to another country.

In this way, and already knowing both definition, we can say that the main difference between them is the need of each one, because when the expatriates go to another country because they want, migrants go because they have to.

To end this entry i would like to show you the next table that shows the work circumstances and attributes of expatriates and migrants:

BERRY, D. (2009). EXPATRIATES, MIGRANTS, GENDER, RACE, AND CLASS. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1-6. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.

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