sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

About Uribe's successor

The situation in Colombia nowadays, for some of us, is pretty exciting. All this do to great expectations that all colombians has about who is going to be Uribe's successor. This topic really put us in an interesting position because we have to think who will be better for our country, and in this way we have to think in those topics that are the most important for the development of the country; the most important ones are:
  • Security (FARC)

  • Economics

  • Education

  • Corruption

About security, the most important topic for some of the candidates, an article of the economist says that the great work doned by uribe should not be forgotten in the past, that the next president of Colombia sholud be one that carries on the same labour i order to achive more and more results in the war against FARC.

Much has been done, but there's a lot more to be done.

Here I give you an image of the article a just told you.


"Colombia's presidential campaign: safer but still not safe", Revista The Economist April 10th 2010, p. 38-39.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

An excellent blog!

In this entry I want to highlight the effort made form Paulina PAtiño, she has made a reaaly interesting blog, with really accurate entries. Here I invite you all to enter and enjoy aof a well design and very interesting Blog.

Congratualtions Paulina.

Here's the link:


domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

What can they do?

The facts happened in the past to the indigenous popilation of Australia cannot be forgotten in the past, and most importantly cannot be simply solved with an "I'm sorry".
That's why we should think in the answer of this question: what can different organizations & the privates sector do to avoid the abuse of minorities?

And the first thing we should think in order to answer this question isn commitment, commitment from all the private sector and all the companies, because if they are not committed to the cause, all the efforts are in vain. Another step to follow is to create an organization that defend the rights of all minorities, create an organization that would be responsible for fighting for the rights of those minorities who are being neglected by the society. We have to make the world to understand that minorities also belong to the society and in fact they are an essential part of it.

Finally, and most important, is to consider their own culture, this means that we have to let them express themselves freely and not try to adapt them to the culture that has constantly tried to reject them from the world.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

A part of Brazil you probably don’t know!

In this entry I want to shoe you a really interesting blog that I just seen; it's a brazilian blog that show us the country in a different perspective, fromthe perspective of the indigenous population.

I really like it beacuse it alllows us to understand that in all countries there are several cultures, an ll of them always have imprtant things to shre. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Here's the link:


viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Trade Unions = Trouble makers?

It´s well known that all around the wolrd trade unions are seen as a problem, beacuase people usually relates the people that fights for the rights of the workers with trouble makers.
The reallity seen in Europe in some way is not so far away from the one seen in Colombia, beacuse trade unions in theory tries to defend the rights of the workers, but in the practice we do not see that , what we see is how this "companies" have acquiered some power and had used in a very wrong way.
In a debate of candidates to the government of colombia, this topic was one of the main important, beacause they were conscience of the need to create or improve that kind of organism. They also realize that in the reallity that we live nowadays in Colombia it is not possible to thik that someones would take responsability or order to defend the workers of the country beacuse, and might sound pretty hard, will probably get kill. You might think in too exaggerated but it's the truth and that's why nowadays we have over 2.700 trade unionist that have been murdered and those crime still unpunished.
What we really need it's, in some way, to take some of the european culture in matters of law accomplishment, because when we could be able to follow them, in that moment we will be able to maintain a society that permits workers needs as a right and not as a luxury.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

How to negotiate in a diferent culture

To make business in a country with a culture totally different to ours it is necessary to know the new culture, to respect it and to assume it. It doesn't serve of anything to try to impose our form of making things or to trying to be successful with the mechanisms that helped us to triumph in the western world.

But then, what can we make when we work with a culture like China?

These are five key ideas:

1. To inform us and to get ready to understand what our new customers like and dislike. A small detail can ruin hours and hours of hard working. To take care of a first contact is important. It is very difficult to change a first impression.

2. To be related with an open and constructive attitude

3. To adapt to the local particularities, not to impose our ideas.

4. To look for the positive intention behind the behavior and to avoid the prejudices.

5. To take care of our non verbal communication. Mainly in countries where we find an idiomatic problem the expressions and the postures ¡they are very important!


Salomón, María Teresa (2008) ¿Cómo hacer negocios en China?”, Revista CapitalHumano, No. 223, p. 80 - 83.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

The objective of this entry is to show the a table that my partner and I made to show the difference between Japanese, Korean and Colombian management models. Here it is:

Lee, J., Roehl, T.W., and Choe, S. (2000). What makes management style similar and distinct across borders? Growth, experience and culture in Korean and Japanese firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 31, 4: 631-652