sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

A part of Brazil you probably don’t know!

In this entry I want to shoe you a really interesting blog that I just seen; it's a brazilian blog that show us the country in a different perspective, fromthe perspective of the indigenous population.

I really like it beacuse it alllows us to understand that in all countries there are several cultures, an ll of them always have imprtant things to shre. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Here's the link:


viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Trade Unions = Trouble makers?

It´s well known that all around the wolrd trade unions are seen as a problem, beacuase people usually relates the people that fights for the rights of the workers with trouble makers.
The reallity seen in Europe in some way is not so far away from the one seen in Colombia, beacuse trade unions in theory tries to defend the rights of the workers, but in the practice we do not see that , what we see is how this "companies" have acquiered some power and had used in a very wrong way.
In a debate of candidates to the government of colombia, this topic was one of the main important, beacause they were conscience of the need to create or improve that kind of organism. They also realize that in the reallity that we live nowadays in Colombia it is not possible to thik that someones would take responsability or order to defend the workers of the country beacuse, and might sound pretty hard, will probably get kill. You might think in too exaggerated but it's the truth and that's why nowadays we have over 2.700 trade unionist that have been murdered and those crime still unpunished.
What we really need it's, in some way, to take some of the european culture in matters of law accomplishment, because when we could be able to follow them, in that moment we will be able to maintain a society that permits workers needs as a right and not as a luxury.